Butterflies and Moths of North America

collecting and sharing data about Lepidoptera

BAMONA's blog

Fourteen Wyoming moth records from Jason Martineau

Fourteen Wyoming moth records were added to the database from submitter Jason Martineau: Hemaris senta (Sheridan County), Hemaris diffinis (Sheridan County), Automeris io (Crook County), Antheraea polyphemus (Sheridan County), Antheraea polyphemus (Bighorn County), Hyalophora columbia (Crook County), Coloradia doris (Sheridan County), Hemileuca eglanterina (Sheridan County), Hyles euphorbiae (Sheridan County), Ceratomia undulosa (Sheridan County), Ceratomia undulosa (Crook County), Sphinx vashti (Sheridan County), Smerinthus cerisyi (Bighorn County), and Hyles lineata (Sheridan County). (WY-Feb2010)

Eleven Arizona butterfly records

Eleven Arizona butterfly records were added to the database, including Eurema daira (Santa Cruz County, John Saba), Phoebis agarithe (Santa Cruz County, John Saba), Mestra amymone (Santa Cruz County, John Saba), Strymon istapa (Santa Cruz County, John Saba), Smyrna blomfildia (Pima County, Wayne Miller), Smyrna blomfildia (Cochise County, Pam Mowbray-Graeme), Chiomara georgina (Santa Cruz County, Pamela Elia), Polygonus leo (Pima County, Pamela Elia), and Nymphalis californica (Pima County, Wayne Miller). (AZ-19Dec09)

Fifteen Kansas butterfly records from Jim Klingler

Fifteen Nemaha County, Kansas butterfly records were added to the database from Jim Klingler for these species: Amblyscirtes vialis, Caenurgina sp. , Callophrys henrici, Celastrina ladon, Colias eurytheme, Danaus plexippus, Erynnis baptiseae, Erynnis juvenalis, Papilio polyxenes, Phyciodes tharos, Pieris rapae, Polygonia comma, and Vanessa atalanta. (KS-Feb-April10)

169 Missouri butterfly and moth records

One hundred and sixty-nine butterfly and moth records were added to the database from submitters Amy Petersen, Anastasia Shilling, Donna Reed, Jennifer Olsen, Justin Lake Whedon, Kathy Brady, Kent Fothergill, Kevin Firth, Michael Smart, Pat Garner, Rhonda Herndon, Richard S. Thoma, Rose E. Zuk, Sandra Tuck, Steve Craig, Amy Short, and Theresa Daley. (MO-5July10)