Make a Donation to Support this Project
How can I contribute to BAMONA?
You can contribute to BAMONA by sending money through PayPal.
- Go to our PayPal link. This link lets you send money directly to us at Metalmark Web and Data.
- Choose an amount or a monthly contribution.
- Pay with PayPal or a credit card.
Please note that we do not have 501(c)(3) federal non-profit status, so your financial support is not tax-deductible. Applying for this status is costly and time-consuming; instead, we have chosen to use our limited resources to make improvements to the project. If you have any questions, or if you would rather send us a check, please let us know.
Thank you!
On behalf of the hundreds of coordinators and thousands of participants, we thank you very much! BAMONA would not exist without the dedication of people across North America, and your support allows us to make the BAMONA web site and data freely available for anyone to use.
Kelly Lotts and Thomas Naberhaus