Pollinator Week June 17-23, 2019
Submitted by BAMONA on Mon, 2019-06-10 12:57Pollinator Week is quickly approaching! Visit https://www.pollinator.org/pollinator-week to learn more about how to get involved.
Pollinator Week is quickly approaching! Visit https://www.pollinator.org/pollinator-week to learn more about how to get involved.
Monarch Watch and their partner nurseries are accepting applications for free milkweed seedlings for habitat restoration projects located in the Monarch Milkweed Corridor. This includes most of the eastern half of the United States. Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana are not included in the grant at this time. Only certain portions of Arkansas, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia are included. Learn more at MonarchWatch.
Pollinator Partnership (P2) seeks to hire motivated and detail-oriented Project Wingspan State Coordinators in Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. The Project Wingspan State Coordinators will provide programmatic support for Project Wingspan: Landscape Enhancement for Imperiled Pollinators of the Midwest (PW), a collaborative pollinator habitat initiative with numerous partners across an 8 state region.
The Fund currently has an online application period open for its Fall 2018 Seed A Legacy program. This program offers free pollinator seed mixtures for projects in an 11-state region. Applications are open for private, public and corporate lands that are a minimum of 2.0 acres in size or larger. The Fall 2018 program application period is open until August 31 with an online application process.
Instructor Jason Dombroskie will teach Microlepidoptera: Collection, Preparation, Dissection, Identification, and Natural History this summer at the Eagle Hill Institute.
The island marble (Euchloe ausonides insulanus) is one of the rarest butterflies in America. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) announced today that the butterfly warrants protection as an endangered species under the Endangered Species Act.
The Pollinator Partnership is looking to hire a motivated and detail-oriented Monarch Habitat Coordinator for the Eastern Broadleaf Forest Region. The Monarch Habitat Coordinator will provide programmatic support for Monarch Wings Across Eastern Broadleaf Forest, a collaborative monarch habitat initiative with numerous partners across a 5 state region.
MWAEBF is a multi-component project to address the alarming decline in monarchs and the fragmentation of the annual migration through seed collection, technical training, and long-term habitat establishment.
In late June and early July 2017, about 200 adult Dakota skippers were released on The Nature Conservancy’s (TNC) Hole-in-the-Mountain Preserve in an attempt to reestablish a population on this site.
The Nature Conservancy recently released a video and a blog post describing the release and the science supporting the reintroduction.
We have streamlined the process for reporting suspected misidentified sightings. On each sighting record page, logged in users will see an option to flag the sighting as misidentified. A justification must be provided to support the claim, and an automatic email alert will be sent to the coordinator.
Please use care when flagging misidentified sightings.
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