Eastern Tent Caterpillar Moth species account updated
Submitted by BAMONA on Tue, 2009-08-11 17:48The species account of the Eastern Tent Caterpillar Moth (Malacosoma americanum) was updated.
The species account of the Eastern Tent Caterpillar Moth (Malacosoma americanum) was updated.
The species account for the Texas Wasp Moth (Horama panthalon) was updated.
Fourteen new photographs were added to the database from photographer Wanda Smith for these species: Zilpa Longtail, Pearly Wood-nymph, Himmelman's Plume Moth, Texas Wasp Moth, Eastern Tent Caterpillar Moth, Mexican Bluewing, Carpenterworm Moth, Red-crescent Scrub-Hairstreak, Syntomeida melanthus, Black-bordered Lemon Moth, and Joyful Holomelina.
Twenty new photographs were added to the database from photographer Gary Jue for these species: Two-tailed Swallowtail, Short-tailed Skipper, Orange Skipperling, Large Roadside-Skipper, Dotted Roadside-Skipper, Desert Checkered-Skipper, Cassus Roadside-Skipper, Carus Skipper, Bronze Roadside-Skipper, and Elissa Roadside-Skipper.
Thirty-two new Tennessee butterfly records were added to the database from submitters Allan J. Trently, David J. Trently, Douglas Bruce, Harold Howell, Judy C. Fuson, Ken Childs, Sarah Fields, Stephen J. Stedman, and Tom Howe. (TN-27July09)
The database contained both Herculia olinalis and Dolichomia olinalis. Dolichomia is the accepted genus, so records from H. olinalis were moved to Dolichomia olinalis, and the species account for Herculia was deleted.
The Southern Purple Mint Moth (Pyrausta laticlavia) was added to the database along with a new Dallas, Texas record from submitter Barbara Uskovich. (TX-OK-14July09-kickbacks)
A new photograph of the Thicket Hairstreak (Callophrys spinetorum) was added to the database from photographer Brent Lounsbury.
One hundred and seventy-three California butterfly records - mostly Swallowtails - were added to the database from a variety of historical sources. (CA-26July09)
A new photograph of the Oculea silkmoth (Antheraea oculea) was added to the database from photographer Loni Corbett.