New species: Delightful Bird-dropping Moth
Submitted by BAMONA on Mon, 2009-06-29 12:02The Delightful Bird-dropping Moth (Acontia delecta) was added to the database.
The Delightful Bird-dropping Moth (Acontia delecta) was added to the database.
One hundred and thirty-four California butterfly records were added to the database. (CA-25June09)
One hundred and forty-nine California butterfly records were added to the database. (CA-23June09)
Seventy-nine new photographs were added to the database from photographer Marian Mendez: Sleepy Orange, Gulf Fritillary, Statira Sulphur, Monk, Monarch, Julia Heliconian, Horace's Duskywing, Barred Yellow, Zebra Heliconian, Ceraunus Blue, Fiery Skipper, Cassius Blue, Five-spotted Hawkmoth, Ruddy Daggerwing, Melanchroia chephise, Baracoa Skipper, Checkered White, Tropical Checkered-Skipper, Mallow Scrub-Hairstreak, Red-waisted Florella Moth, and Dorantes Longtail.
One hundred and twenty-three new California butterfly records were added to the database from submitters Ken Davenport, Michael Davenport, D.D. MacLean, Jerry A. Powell, James R. Mori, Bruce & Bret Boyd, Paul Opler, Ray Stanford, Richard P. Meyer, Keith Hughes, Phil Nordin, C. D. MacNeill, M. Lundgren, John S. Garth, J. W. Tilden, and Ray Bruun. (CA-12June09)
New Chester County, Tennessee records of Aethiophysa lentiflualis and Elasmopalpus lignosellus were added to the database from submitter Ken Childs. (Kickbacks-2June09)
The species Aethiophysa lentiflualis was added to the database.
The Lesser Cornstalk Borer (Elasmopalpus lignosellus) was added to the database.
Ninety-eight new California butterfly records were added to the database from submitters William Bouton, Ken Davenport, Jack Levy, Bruce & Bret Boyd, John F. Emmel & Gordon Pratt, Ray & Kit Stanford, and Oakley Shields. (CA-11June09)
Two new Morgan County, Alabama moth records (Hyalophora cecropia and Lycia ypsilon) were added to the database from Jason D. Roberts. (AL-TN-11June09)