Three hundred and thirty-one California butterfly records - mostly for Cercyonis, Coenonympha, Danaus, Euphydryas, Papilio and Vanessa species - were added to the database from contributors Bill Gendron, Bruce & Bret Boyd, Bruce O'Hara, C. N. Rudkin, Chuck Hageman, Doug Mullens, Edmund Godwin, F. Grinnell, George Malcolm, George T. Austin, J. A. Comstock, J. W. Tilden, James R. Mori, Jean Gunder, John G. Pasko, John S. Garth, K. Hughes, C. Sekerman, Ken Davenport, Michael Smith, N. McFarland, Oakley Shields, Paul Opler, Phil Nordin, Ray Stanford, and Victor Clemence. (CA-24Nov09)