Three hundred and thirty-three California butterfly records - mostly Anthocharis, Cercyonis, Colias, Danaus, Neominois, and Oeneis species - were added to the database from contributors Arthur M. Shapiro, Bill Gendron, Bruce & Bret Boyd, C. Dammers, Charles Ingham, Derham Giuliani, Edmund Godwin, J. A. Comstock, J. H. Gerdes, J. W. Tilden, James R. Mori, John G. Pasko, John S. Garth, Keith Brown Jr., Keith Hughes, Ken Davenport, L. Martin, L. T. Kerr, Michael J. Smith, N. McFarland, Oakley Shields, G. Pavlik, P. Thompson, Paul Opler, Phil Nordin, Ray Stanford, Robert L. Langston, S. Johnson, W. S. Wright, and Wayne Dawes. (CA-26Nov09)