Forty-eight Mississippi butterfly and moth records were added to the database. From Daniel Drennen: Hemileuca maia (Hinds County); from Karen Hodum: Antheraea polyphemus (Alcorn County); from Kent Fothergill: Psuedoplusia includens (Panola County), Dryocampa rubicunda (Wilkinson County), and Atteva punctella (Wilkinson County); from Kilian Roever: Euphydryas phaeton ozarkae (Tishomingo County); from Mark Walker: Amblyscirtes vialis (Benton County), Amblyscirtes hegon (Benton County), Poanes zabulon (Benton County), Chlosyne nycteis (Benton County), Callophrys niphon (Chickasaw County), Callophrys henrici (Chickasaw County), and Nymphalis antiopa (Chickasaw County); from Mrs. Kelly Jacobs: Hemaris diffinis (Desoto County); from Susan Weatherholt: Amphion floridensis (Rankin County); and 33 records from Ricky Patterson. (MS-31Dec09)