Regional Species Checklists
Yalobusha County, Mississippi, United States
The BAMONA database currently includes verified sighting records for 37 species from this region.
Hesperiidae Skippers
Epargyreus clarus Silver-spotted Skipper
Achalarus lyciades Hoary Edge
Thorybes pylades Northern Cloudywing
Thorybes bathyllus Southern Cloudywing
Thorybes confusis Confused Cloudywing
Erynnis brizo Sleepy Duskywing
Erynnis juvenalis Juvenal's Duskywing
Erynnis martialis Mottled Duskywing
Erynnis zarucco Zarucco Duskywing
Pholisora catullus Common Sootywing
Lerema accius Clouded Skipper
Copaeodes minima Southern Skipperling
Hesperia metea Cobweb Skipper
Atalopedes campestris Sachem
Polites themistocles Tawny-edged Skipper
Polites vibex Whirlabout
Wallengrenia otho Southern Broken-Dash
Poanes zabulon Zabulon Skipper
Atrytonopsis hianna Dusted Skipper
Amblyscirtes alternata Dusky Roadside-Skipper
Papilionidae Parnassians and Swallowtails
Battus philenor Pipevine Swallowtail
Papilio glaucus Eastern Tiger Swallowtail
Pieridae Whites and Sulphurs
Pieris rapae Cabbage White
Colias eurytheme Orange Sulphur
Lycaenidae Gossamer-wing Butterflies
Callophrys niphon Eastern Pine Elfin
Calycopis cecrops Red-banded Hairstreak
Cupido comyntas Eastern Tailed-Blue
Nymphalidae Brush-footed Butterflies
Chlosyne gorgone Gorgone Checkerspot
Phyciodes tharos Pearl Crescent
Vanessa virginiensis American Lady
Vanessa atalanta Red Admiral
Anaea andria Goatweed Leafwing
Hermeuptychia sosybius Carolina Satyr
Saturniidae Wild Silk Moths
Hemileuca maia Eastern buckmoth
Anisota stigma Spiny oakworm moth
Sphingidae Sphinx Moths, Hawkmoths
Erinnyis ello Ello sphinx
Xylophanes tersa Tersa Sphinx