Observation date: January 06, 2015
Submitted by: Robert Gorman
Specimen type: Photograph
Observation notes: Some snow on ground still from storm that passed on 12/31/14 in shaded areas. Around 2000 ft. snow got as low as 1700 only half inch in this area. temp at 1149 was 65, by 1230 it was 75. found on mistletoe in mesquite tree. offered it my finger that was well salted from eating pumpkin seeds. it eagerly excepted, this is a female. I have read that males collect minerals and pass them on to the female while mating ? Also have read that female butterflies don't sip minerals. well i disagree. I also think that this hairstreak is year round in its most southern locations is calif oc and sd orange county and san diego co. calif. this stayed on finger for about ten minutes. it then returned to mistletoe
Status: Resident
Verified by: Ken Davenport
Verified date: January 08, 2015
Coordinator notes: None.