Observation date: April 23, 2017
Submitted by: Col
Specimen type: Photograph
Observation notes: Sunny day in the sixties. Insect landed near a pond long enough for three photos. The one submitted was the closest range. T
Status: Resident
Verified by: jwileyrains
Verified date: November 08, 2021
Coordinator notes: Evidently iNaturalist felt that this was not in fact Pieris virginiensis but a spring form of the much more common P. rapae. The location of the sighting - Delaware - is also somewhat outside of P. virginiensis' normal range; there is only one confirmed sighting up in the corner of the state (although these days a good many sp. are found in places they're not supposed to be). That said, I don't recall seeing this particular spring form of P. rapae myself in spite of having seen thousands of this sp., since they're very common. I checked in BAMONA's image library, and while I didn't go through all 18,817 sightings I did a fairly deep dive and didn't see any examples of this spring form (one might be present further in, of course). However, I do agree that the dark FW tips are not so pronounced in P. virginiensis as they are in P. rapae, so perhaps iNaturalist is right after all. So I am, if a bit reluctantly, amending this sighting to P. rapae. JRains