Sighting 1130442
California Dogface
Zerene eurydice
Observation date: July 30, 2017
Submitted by: Robert Gorman
Specimen type: Photograph
Observation notes: Warm Humid mid 70's breeze raised of false Indigo, if you live in california shame on you if you don't plant some! Female hatched first then Male female early am. You Cant handle butterflies by there wings until they are dry and hardened then the topside of butterflies that land closed will be revealed if you very gently hold them by there back wings. Do not put pressure on the abdomen or you may harm them! Years of catching grass hoppers for fishing taught me how to handle Bugs also raising lots of monarchs as a child, in the early sixties! With a very gentle touch you can examine butterfly get some shots and let them go again!
Status: Unknown
Verified by: Ken Davenport
Verified date: July 31, 2017
Coordinator notes: Were these naturally in your garden or transported there from elsewhere?-Ken Davenport Resident in the county.
Checklist region(s): Orange County, United States, California