Observation date: April 12, 2021
Submitted by: Zencoyote
Specimen type: Photograph
Observation notes: The season is slow to get started, and I was looking for more inland locales to observe. But these were a surprise for me: a group of 7 or so Ringlets flying parallel to a meadow trail, dancing around the mustard and grasses lining the trail. There were a couple of unidentified Whites in the area as well.
Status: Resident
Verified by: Ken Davenport
Verified date: April 12, 2021
Coordinator notes: Genomic work shows that our California Ringlets (I ran into 3 in the Sierra along the Kern River 3 days ago) are actually not a tullia subspecies. They are a species: Coenonympha california california. Tullia only gets into Alaska and a few places in northwest Canada so far as we know.-Ken Davenport