Observation date: June 01, 2013
Date notes: Late morning
Submitted by: gunhilda
Specimen type: Photograph
Observation notes: This has a more prominent tail above the orange/black spot on the hindwing than my guidebook depicts for the Northern Hairstreak, but the size and other markings look pretty close to me. These guys were rubbing their wings together, a behavior that more than one individual was doing today, but only this species. They were feeding on a privet bush on a calm, sunny day after many days of high winds, high humidity, and storms.
Status: Resident
Verified by: stomlins701
Verified date: June 20, 2013
Coordinator notes: Same species but different individual (has notch out of left upper wing) from sighting 901588. Again, the orange cap on the blue blotch on the underside hindwing distinguishes this from nominate S. favonius.