Butterflies and Moths of North America

collecting and sharing data about Lepidoptera

Family Choreutidae (Choreuitid Moths)


Brenthia pavonacella Peacock Brenthia (Clemens, 1860)
Caloreas montanae (Heppner, 2022)
Choreutid sp. Stainton, 1854
Choreutis diana Diana's Choreutis Moth (Hübner, [1822])
Choreutis emplecta (Turner, 1942)
Choreutis pariana Apple Leaf Skeletonizer (Clerck, 1759)
Neochoreutis epicharis (Heppner, 2020)
Prochoreutis inflatella (Clemens, 1863)
Protochoreutis dyarella (Kearfott, 1902)
Tebenna carduiella (Kearfott, 1902)
Tebenna gemmalis (Hulst, 1886)
Tebenna gnaphaliella Everlasting Tebenna Moth (Kearfott, 1902)
Tebenna onustana (Walker, 1864)
Tebenna silphiella Rosinweed Moth (Grote, 1881)
Tortyra iocyaneus (Heppner, 1991)
Tortyra slossonia Slosson's Metalmark Moth (Fernald, 1900)

Subfamily: Charaxinae (Leafwings)

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