Butterflies and Moths of North America

collecting and sharing data about Lepidoptera

Butterfly, Moth, and Caterpillar Photographs from Panama

Displaying 601 - 750 of 924 photographs

Subfamily Limenitidinae

Adelpha cytherea Cytherea Sister
Adelpha cytherea Cytherea Sister
Adelpha salmoneus Golden-banded Sister
Adelpha salmoneus Golden-banded Sister
Adelpha barnesia Barnes' Sister
Adelpha cocala lorzae Lorza's Sister
Adelpha cocala lorzae Lorza's Sister
Adelpha cocala lorzae Lorza's Sister
Adelpha leucophthalma White-spot Sister
Adelpha leucophthalma White-spot Sister

Subfamily Biblidinae

Catonephele mexicana East-Mexican Banner
Catonephele mexicana East-Mexican Banner
Catonephele mexicana East-Mexican Banner
Catonephele mexicana East-Mexican Banner
Catonephele mexicana East-Mexican Banner
Eunica chlororhoa Orange-stained Purplewing
Hamadryas feronia Variable Cracker
Hamadryas feronia Variable Cracker
Hamadryas feronia Variable Cracker
Hamadryas feronia Variable Cracker
Hamadryas feronia Variable Cracker
Hamadryas feronia Variable Cracker
Hamadryas feronia Variable Cracker
Ectima erycinoides Northern Ectima
Ectima erycinoides Northern Ectima
Ectima erycinoides Northern Ectima
Myscelia cyaniris Whitened Bluewing
Myscelia cyaniris Whitened Bluewing
Myscelia cyaniris Whitened Bluewing
Pyrrhogyra edocla Green-spotted Banner
Pyrrhogyra neaerea Banded Banner
Pyrrhogyra otolais otolais Double-banded Banner
Nica flavilla Little Banner
Nica flavilla Little Banner
Nica flavilla Little Banner
Nica flavilla Little Banner
Temenis laothoe Orange Banner
Dynamine postverta Mexican Sailor
Dynamine postverta Mexican Sailor
Dynamine postverta Mexican Sailor
Dynamine postverta Mexican Sailor
Callicore lyca Six-spotted Eighty-eight
Callicore lyca Six-spotted Eighty-eight
Callicore lyca Six-spotted Eighty-eight
Callicore lyca Six-spotted Eighty-eight
Callicore pitheas Two-eyed Eighty-eight
Callicore pitheas Two-eyed Eighty-eight
Callicore tolima Blue-and-orange Eighty-eight
Callicore tolima Blue-and-orange Eighty-eight
Diaethria clymena Cramer's Eighty-eight
Diaethria clymena Cramer's Eighty-eight

Subfamily Cyrestinae

Marpesia chiron Many-banded Daggerwing
Marpesia chiron Many-banded Daggerwing
Marpesia chiron Many-banded Daggerwing
Marpesia chiron Many-banded Daggerwing
Marpesia furcula Glossy Daggerwing
Marpesia furcula Glossy Daggerwing
Marpesia merops Spot-banded Daggerwing
Marpesia petreus Ruddy Daggerwing

Subfamily Nymphalinae

Colobura dirce Dirce Beauty
Colobura dirce Dirce Beauty
Colobura dirce Dirce Beauty
Colobura dirce Dirce Beauty
Colobura dirce Dirce Beauty
Colobura dirce Dirce Beauty
Colobura dirce Dirce Beauty
Colobura dirce Dirce Beauty
Tigridia acesta Tiger Beauty
Tigridia acesta Tiger Beauty
Tigridia acesta Tiger Beauty
Tigridia acesta Tiger Beauty
Hypanartia lethe Orange Mapwing
Chlosyne narva Narva Checkerspot
Chlosyne narva Narva Checkerspot
Chlosyne janais Crimson Patch
Chlosyne janais Crimson Patch
Chlosyne janais Crimson Patch
Chlosyne janais Crimson Patch
Chlosyne janais Crimson Patch
Chlosyne janais Crimson Patch
Chlosyne ezra Ezra Checkerspot
Chlosyne lacinia Bordered Patch
Chlosyne lacinia Bordered Patch
Chlosyne lacinia Bordered Patch
Chlosyne lacinia Bordered Patch
Chlosyne lacinia Bordered Patch
Chlosyne lacinia Bordered Patch
Eresia clio Clio Crescent
Eresia clio Clio Crescent
Eresia clio Clio Crescent
Eresia clio Clio Crescent
Eresia clio Clio Crescent
Eresia ithomioides Variable Crescent
Eresia ithomioides Variable Crescent
Eresia ithomioides Variable Crescent
Eresia ithomioides Variable Crescent
Eresia ithomioides Variable Crescent
Eresia ithomioides Variable Crescent
Eresia ithomioides Variable Crescent
Eresia ithomioides Variable Crescent
Eresia ithomioides Variable Crescent
Eresia ithomioides Variable Crescent
Eresia ithomioides Variable Crescent
Eresia eunice Eunice Crescent
Eresia eunice Eunice Crescent
Eresia eunice Eunice Crescent
Eresia eunice Eunice Crescent
Eresia eunice Eunice Crescent
Castilia eranites Mimic Crescent
Castilia eranites Mimic Crescent
Castilia eranites Mimic Crescent
Castilia ofella White-dotted Crescent
Castilia ofella White-dotted Crescent
Janatella leucodesma Whitened Crescent
Janatella leucodesma Whitened Crescent
Janatella leucodesma Whitened Crescent
Anthanassa drusilla Orange-patched Crescent
Anthanassa drusilla Orange-patched Crescent
Anthanassa drusilla Orange-patched Crescent
Anthanassa tulcis Tulcis Crescent or Pale-banded Crescent
Anthanassa tulcis Tulcis Crescent or Pale-banded Crescent
Anthanassa tulcis Tulcis Crescent or Pale-banded Crescent
Tegosa anieta Black-bordered Crescent
Tegosa anieta Black-bordered Crescent
Tegosa anieta Black-bordered Crescent
Tegosa anieta Black-bordered Crescent
Junonia evarete Tropical Buckeye
Junonia evarete Tropical Buckeye
Junonia evarete Tropical Buckeye
Junonia evarete Tropical Buckeye
Anartia amathea Red Peacock
Anartia jatrophae White Peacock
Anartia jatrophae White Peacock
Anartia jatrophae White Peacock
Anartia jatrophae White Peacock
Anartia jatrophae White Peacock
Anartia jatrophae White Peacock
Anartia fatima Banded Peacock