Observation date: August 13, 2014
Date notes: i really forgot what day i saw it, but i do know it was a male. it appears and disappears it seems, first my brother's bedroom window, then the kitchen sealing [<--- no clue how to spell that ] light, and then the bathroom trashcan, and now it is gone again, i think it will be back, my brother named it luner. i have 3, but i can only upload 1 my parents said. i picked my most recent sighting, maybe[<--- no clue how to spell that, i think i i got it right. ] i saw a female too, i do not know the diffrence, my mom told me the genger of the first one,k.
Submitted by: catzooa
Specimen type: Photograph
Observation notes: it stayed on the window for 3 days and left on the 4,then it was on the kitchen ceiling light for 1 day left on the 2 day,then last i saw it it was on the side of the bathroom trashcan for a day also,every time near the light.i forgot what the whether was like.i just recently found this site.it was my first time seeing a lunar moth,i was so exited so was my brother.i think it will be back.
Status: Resident
Verified by: BAMONA
Verified date: August 18, 2014
Coordinator notes: None.