Observation date: September 13, 2014
Submitted by: Robert Gorman
Specimen type: Photograph
Observation notes: mid day high mid sixties, scattered clouds. on thistle, lots of grasses in this valley, and sedges. mostly dry and dusty, except for a small underground spring that springs forth in to a beautiful trout stream. This stream was only about three feet across fast moving. willows cotton woods aspen bristle cone pines limber pines great basin sage and current we saw at least two different kinds of skippers, whites, yellows, mourning cloak and comma. lots of grass hoppers and moths. yellow flowering shrubs very large. maybe golden bush. lots of coyote mint, lupine, paint brush and some yellow small flowers that looked like dandy lions.
Status: Resident
Verified by: Ken Davenport
Verified date: September 17, 2014
Coordinator notes: This is subspecies albamontana, and LATE for the state and range by 5 days, probably because no one goes to the Bristlecone Pines in the White Mts. that late in the season for butterflies-Ken Davenport