Observation date: March 29, 2016
Submitted by: Bdog
Specimen type: Photograph
Observation notes: Only one seen at Whiting Ranch Wilderness Park, Orange County CA on the Mustard Trail in the afternoon, 3/29/16. Unfortunately did not manage to get a good underside picture before flying away. Slightly cloudy low 60's
Status: Migrant
Verified by: Ken Davenport
Verified date: March 30, 2016
Coordinator notes: No question what this is, they migrated into California in the spring of 1992 where I took 10 in Kern County in May of that year. Yours appears to be an Orange County record which I would like to publish in the 2016 Season Summary, but I need your name to do that. Ken Davenport,kdavenport93306@yahoo.com