Sighting 1107857
Bisected honey locust moth
Sphingicampa bisecta
Observation date: July 29, 2016
Submitted by: Robert Gibson
Specimen type: Photograph
Observation notes: This record was originally submitted in early August ago as Sphingocampa species – all I received was the following autoresponse acknowledging the submission of the record:
“Thank you for your submission of record 1093706 on August 3, 2016. Your submission is currently pending. It will be reviewed by a regional coordinator, and you will receive a second e-mail when your submission is accepted or refused.”
As a professional biologist I expected more out of BAMONA than this. The the specimen is close match to photos of Sphingocampa bisecta posted on a reputable web site (, and I submitted the record because it is a little out of range and suggests range expansion which would be worth recording (if unsurprising given the effects of climate change on insect distributions). Please take the trouble to look at the photos carefully and if you disagree with identification inform me why and propose an alternative (out of range would not not a cogent reason for rejection – your own database shows species in the Missouri River Valley only 50 miles SE of Lincoln). It is relevant that this specimen came to our porch light, which sits under a large honey locust tree. In flight, a pink patch was visible on the hind wing – I couldn’t get the moth to hold this position for a photo of this feature.
Robert Gibson, Professor of Biological Sciences, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Status: Resident
Verified by: J_Martineau
Verified date: December 07, 2020
Coordinator notes: When this was submitted, the Region field was not set by the submitter and so it was permanently stuck in a Pending state. This has been corrected manually by BAMONA.
Checklist region(s): United States, Nebraska, Lancaster County