Observation date: July 02, 2017
Date notes: mid day low to mid eighties
Submitted by: Robert Gorman
Specimen type: Photograph
Observation notes: Warm Clear sky nice breeze veined blue, dusky, swallowtail, other blues, Checkered white, northern white skipper near wrightwood yellow buckweat, blooming mostly wasps on it. the wasps were small and black. lotus blooming, Veined blues preferred it this year last year they were all over the yellow buckwheat flowers. Lupin almost done for the year. orange sulfur lots of clover road side. we also saw Behir's Hairstreak lower down just before Wrightwood lots of antelope brush. also golden hairstreak on desert mountain transition back side of mountains Big Rock Creek Road! With a Lorquin's Admiral, this was late in the day still very hot down low. also ladies at wright wood.
Status: Resident
Verified by: Ken Davenport
Verified date: July 05, 2017
Coordinator notes: None.