Observation date: July 11, 2017
Submitted by: taogirl
Specimen type: Photograph
Observation notes: a partly cloudy day in the wetlands, about 78 degrees F, light wind
Status: Resident
Verified by: mikefisher
Verified date: August 12, 2017
Coordinator notes: This is a female Garita Skipperling. It is not "gold-orange" enough for Edwards Skipperling and which is also not a wetland skipper. I checked and see that Edwards Skipperling is recorded from Rio Grande County. Check for it in some drier locations with good vegetation diversity in small canyons or gulches or ravines north or west of Del Norte and see if you can find just find one. It would be great to get a confirmation record for that county. The date you took this picture is just about the right time for it (and to the end of July) where the type of situation I described would be found. Mike