Observation date: July 30, 2017
Date notes: This was on JULY 30 2017
Submitted by: Eorbay91
Specimen type: Photograph
Observation notes: This caterpillar was about to be eaten by two birds but one dropped him and I picked him up before they could take him. He is now resting in a deep glass dish with soil and a variety of different neighborhood leaves. The dish is in a deep cardboard box to keep him safe. However he continues to climb out of the dish and into a corner of the box. He has not ate anything as I do not find bite marks in the leaves I provided. Whenever I do pick him up to adjust he flinches as if he prefers not to be handled.
Status: Resident
Verified by: jwileyrains
Verified date: November 12, 2021
Coordinator notes: None.