Observation date: October 09, 2017
Date notes: 70°F/21°C Hu90% 6mph/10kmh-S Night. Moon shining through thick gray rain clouds as it was raining sporadically. Winds are Calm with no breeze. Wet & damp from the rain. Short sleeve comfortible weather.
Submitted by: Bkripto
Specimen type: Photograph
Observation notes: Ain't *she gorgeous?! Iridescent & naturally shining as if self luminated.
Flew in out of the mist after 12 hours of sporadic rain as Hurricane Nate hit land in Biloxi Mississippi bringing on damp weather.
(1½" inch/32mm/3.2km).
Status: Unknown
Verified by: curtis.lehman
Verified date: October 09, 2017
Coordinator notes: None.