Butterflies and Moths of North America

collecting and sharing data about Lepidoptera

  Sighting 1152123

The Transfigured Hydriomena
Hydriomena transfigurata

Observation date: May 28, 2013
Submitted by: stonehollow
Specimen type: Photograph
Observation notes: Came to UV/MV lighted sheet. Per Hydriomena expert Tomas Mustelin "H. renunciata is similar to H. transfigurata, but has a rounder FW and the green areas (which vary a lot) are much paler, almost white with a faint grayish greenish hue."
Status: Unknown
Verified by: Tom Middagh
Verified date: January 29, 2018
Coordinator notes: First report of this species to BAMONA in Minnesota. Good Find!
Checklist region(s): Wright County, United States, Minnesota