Observation date: June 09, 2019
Submitted by: Robert Gorman
Specimen type: Photograph
Observation notes: Warm Morning 10 am even the snakes were out, this area was south facing the ceanothus was favorite nectar source. Very Strong breeze starting to build 10-15+ mph, California Juniper and Pine forest. I Believe this to be a male as the little bubble on fore wing leading edge shows that its a scent gland! Some fresh ones of this species also some very worn. These were absent In most area's where we normally would see them. Looking for these After getting very Close to a Pacific rattler was rather Scary to walk through thick Brush with out snake guards in shorts. Did not get rattled at this day but this snake came out from these logs to slither over the front porch! I was out voted for removal or dispersal of this creature! Not my favorite thing to think about when wearing Flip Flops on the front Porch! Our host was very Kind and I'm not sure if this is his pet or if he had it removed after we went back home?
Status: Resident
Verified by: Ken Davenport
Verified date: June 11, 2019
Coordinator notes: None.