Observation date: August 29, 2019
Date notes: I found this caterpillar in a rolled up leaf in a Green Shiso plant. I put it into a jar with some fresh leaves and after about a day, I found some droppings and the caterpillar had webbed itself to to the lid of the jar. It hatched sometime during 16-17 September.
Submitted by: BobD
Specimen type: Photograph
Observation notes: I found this caterpillar in a rolled up leaf in a Green Shiso plant. I put it into a jar with some fresh leaves and after about a day, I found some droppings and the caterpillar had webbed itself to to the lid of the jar. It hatched sometime during 16-17 September.
Status: Resident
Verified by: John Calhoun
Verified date: September 23, 2019
Coordinator notes: None.