Sighting 1240971
Great Purple Hairstreak
Atlides halesus
Observation date: January 05, 2020
Submitted by: Robert Gorman
Specimen type: Photograph
Observation notes: Have been seeing these flying Males in orange County and both in San Diego County for Several weeks. Missed taking a Shot on 31st due to wanting a better shot and rushing and Scaring it away. Oops Next years target is the good news Again! Walked right by this one on last shrub we were going to Check. Told Diane that we were going to look again next year to try to extend early or late date records! Then I looked down and this lovely very fresh female was right straight in front of me tucked tightly into this desert golden bush. Also saw leda 6 , sleep Orange 5, Painted ladies 5, Southern Dog 1, Checkered white 1, Wrights 9, in two locations. Loads of Henne's Checker Spot Larva on Bush Penstemon 100+ at dusk after birds stopped flying non before on same shrubs? weird Nature has its way of surviving Great weekend even though dead of winter. low count in two days but 100 + Quail and lots of other birds very green lush growth. frost has killed back new plant growth in several area's new growth returning . close to twenty different Plants blooming in warmer area's some areas lots of bees enjoying the Bounty Spring comes early to Colorado low desert. One cold snap can Frost back all the new growth probably enough water for a decent season already hopefully more rain on the way!
Status: Resident
Verified by: Ken Davenport
Verified date: January 06, 2020
Coordinator notes: I gave you credit for the EARLY January record, the first. I am absolutely convinced that you know a Great Purple Hairstreak when you see one. You are probably close to holding the all-time record for BAMONA submissions for that species! Did you get a good look at the Southern Dogface?-Ken Davenport
Checklist region(s): United States, California, San Diego County