Observation date: November 05, 2014
Date notes: Please note: eggs were observed being laid on above date/time. Eggs hatched on 4/24/15@10:42 am(I over wintered them)
Submitted by: James Lofton
Specimen type: Photograph
Observation notes: Mostly cloudy/ 64F high with light rain in AM. Moth was observed depositing eggs on mostly dead and mowed over “pig weeds “. After she finished removed the eggs and put in screened container in unheated shop. (Eggs were laid in high traffic area). Eggs were observed hatching the following 4/24/15 @ 10:42 AM. They were photographed and released
PS: I notice that some of the photos are flipped after I uploaded and also distorted. Not sure why?
Status: Resident
Verified by: jwileyrains
Verified date: August 23, 2023
Coordinator notes: Terrific photo series! Thanks.