Observation date: July 06, 2020
Submitted by: Cascade Colors
Specimen type: Photograph
Observation notes: Maybe 500 feet below treeline, in an open, gently sloped, very sunny, drier meadow in a mountain basin. I found this one on a Penstemon plant.
Status: Resident
Verified by: mikefisher
Verified date: November 08, 2020
Coordinator notes: The skippers can be confusing and your two ID suggestions have similar markings but this one is the Draco Skipper. You might find Snow's Skipper much lower down more in the foothills but it is very local and generally uncommonly encountered. Too early for the Western Branded Skipper at high altitude (mostly late July and early August). The lower altitude variety is found in the foothills and lower mountains mostly in late July into September. Mike