Sighting 1261554
Water Hyacinth Moth
Sameodes albiguttalis
Observation date: July 04, 2020
Submitted by: RyanLi
Specimen type: Photograph
Observation notes: Yes, I'm new on here, and yes, I am still in the moth learning process, but this is one of those 'huh?' moments. I've been working on IDing a night of moth photography from a sheet I set up at a friend's house and thought that this was a pyraustine based on shape. I used the Peterson Guide to its fullest extent and nothing. I used the Miss. State webpage, set to 'Northeast', but couldn't find anything in that or the Crambid line. I sent the photos off to my best bud who is a fantastic naturalist, and he suggested a Hodges range of 5142-5145. I switched the MSU website to full-national to get those species on the list, and then kept going from there, where I settled on the Water Hyacinth Moth, which matches all field marks dead-on.
The location was a lawn right next to an artificial, yet oldish, lake nestled in the hills of a wealthy suburb here in Pittsburgh, maybe a 3-5 acre lake surrounded with houses and lawns. Obviously, I'd now like to check for water hyacinth, and should be able to check in the next few weeks. This was the first time I've mothed there, and though I've visited there a number of times, I've not paid attention to the plant life.
If there are any other suggestions, let me know, but I feel pretty confident at this point until proven different. I've been a birder for 31 years and between birds in the tree and in the hand, I've worked hard to see tiny details, so I am hoping to transfer this skill over to mothing. Thanks!
Status: Unknown
Verified by: curtis.lehman
Verified date: July 19, 2020
Coordinator notes: New for Pennsylvania. I'm wondering if this possibly came in on some imported water hyacinths from areas to the south.
Checklist region(s): United States, Pennsylvania, Allegheny County