Observation date: June 16, 2020
Submitted by: Jacksenzig
Specimen type: Photograph
Observation notes: None.
Status: Resident
Verified by: Ilona L.
Verified date: December 20, 2020
Coordinator notes: There's a bit of controversy about the identification of these moths. I'm going along with the comments on MPG from the Tortricidia pallida page. "4654 Tortricidia flexuosa - Marc Epstein (pers. comm., 2018) advises that we are currently unable to separate many of what we call Tortricidia pallida and Tortricidia flexuosa based on the larva, adult (including genitalia), and DNA. Furthermore, illustrations of the type of pallida, which is no longer extant, appears to be what we often refer to as flexuosa. At present, flexuosa represent all the 'morphs' (those that are heavily marked on the FW down to very little, but more on the yellowish side of things) and pallida represent the more pale, almost pinkish tan ones that have either a faint band or nothing on the FW." Also see this photo on BG - https://bugguide.net/node/view/996282/bgimage . I suspect that there are a couple of misplaced moths in the section of Tortricidia pallida on BG. I've just left my moths which could be either of these two at the Superfamily or Family level on BG.