Observation date: May 04, 2021
Submitted by: Tim Shortell
Specimen type: Photograph
Observation notes: Found in sagebrush / greasewood habitat.
Status: Resident
Verified by: mikefisher
Verified date: July 22, 2021
Coordinator notes: Tim, Female Sagebrush Checkerspot. I will not be able to get to your cabin this summer (as you probably figured by now). Of things of interest and you are not too far away...should you get a chance you might travel to Gothic and see if you can find any Gillette's Checkerspots...this is a non-native species in Colorado but was transplanted into that area at the RMBS to see if it would survive. The bugs have moved around that area but have indeed survived since introduction in the late 70's. The original site where they were released is along East Creek on the northwest side of the road in Gothic. They supposedly vacated this site many years ago but it seems as though they might still be there. Main sites under study are elsewhere to the south and east. It likes boggy stream sides. The host plant is Twinberry, a fairly large leafy bush that grows along those kind of sites. Might make an interesting day trip if it doesn't rain too early in the day. More later, Mike