Observation date: August 03, 2021
Submitted by: twofried
Specimen type: Photograph
Observation notes: ID based on spot pattern of ventral hindwing: 3 spots exhibit concavity and 2 spots above those, overlap (per Butterflies of NM and Glassberg). Is this feature diagnostic? Glassberg suggests some variability that could make it difficult to separate from Pahaska Skipper. Female?
Status: Resident
Verified by: stevecary
Verified date: August 04, 2021
Coordinator notes: good job on the diagnosis. it is a female because it lacks the black stigma of males. Pahaska and Green are not separable with 100% certainty. each occurs in much of NM, with 80 to 90% overlap in distribution, so it's usually a tough call. Glassberg plays the odds, but at least he admits it. I can add that Pahaska males hilltop, while Green males patrol drainages. so that can help. Females, however, have other priorities (perhaps you've noticed): nectar and oviposition.