Observation date: August 26, 2013
Submitted by: Allen B
Specimen type: Photograph
Observation notes: One adult observed. Pickerelweed grows abundantly along the shoreline of White Lake.
Status: Resident
Verified by: BarbSendelbach
Verified date: January 14, 2022
Coordinator notes: I'm in agreement with the submitter based off the details on MPG: 9526 Bellura densa - "the angle of the reniform relative to the FW costa is important for densa vs obliqua (closer to right angle for densa); also obliqua is usually earlier in the season and has only one flight, densa has two flights, in late spring and late summer; densa usually has a darker purplish tint overall, and a more squared-off forewing shape, and also often with the abdomen sticking out past the wings." - Chris Schmidt (pers. comm. 4/29/2020)
The sighting was in August. It has more of a purplish tint and the FW shape is more squared off. I am not really seeing the right angle. Maybe I just am misunderstanding that note. There are many areas in the state with Pickerelweed. It's possible that this species just isn't seen very often and might not really be attracted to lights. Or perhaps the observers just are not that close to the areas where Pickerelweed grows.