Observation date: March 28, 2022
Submitted by: Joshua C
Specimen type: Photograph
Observation notes: Mournful duskywing isn't a perfect match, but it seems to me like the best fit due to the broad white hindwing fringe and the lack of a pale spot in the cell that Funereal would have. This butterfly was nectaring from Rhus flowers that were attracting lots of pollinators.
Status: Resident
Verified by: stevecary
Verified date: March 28, 2022
Coordinator notes: The HW fringe is on the pale side, for sure, but I think I would call it light gray rather than the stark white you get on Funereal, Mournful, Pacuvius. I see gray bleeding into the fringe from the wing margin and that would not happen with a true "white" fringe. Rocky Mountain is a spring flyer, like Sleepy, and is known to occur in the area. Mournful is very southern and not a wanderer. To confirm Mournful, one needs a clear look at the ventral HW. Technically that is true for Rocky Mountain, too, but local and in season there isn't really anything that looks like it.