Observation date: June 19, 2022
Submitted by: robpendergast
Specimen type: Photograph
Observation notes: I think this is right. I was really jazzed to see the Polyphemus! I was hoping to get at least one big Silkmoth this year, I’m definitely happy! It (or another) was here this morning, caught in a spider web, I did help it out as the spider was much too small to have any use for it. No worries on the Acronicta sp, I’ll add it to my Unidentified/BG folder that I’ll come back to at a later time. I’ll have to try and collect another Donacaula if I see one, they pretty neat looking! This morning was absolutely ridiculous, roughly 300 individuals were present and around 100 species. My moth senses woke me up around 1:30 this morning. Glad to hear you had some neat stuff! I’ll have to take a look on iNat, I always enjoy looking through your photos!
Status: Resident
Verified by: Ilona L.
Verified date: June 20, 2022
Coordinator notes: Do you ever take a photo of what it looks like when all these moths congregate or are they spread all over the place? I've seen some photos of sheets covered with moths but have never seen anything like that occur here.