Sighting 1339966
Ruddy Copper
Lycaena rubidus
Observation date: August 18, 2022
Submitted by: Cascade Colors
Specimen type: Photograph
Observation notes: There were many coppers in this patch of meadow, and this species seemed larger than the Ruddy Coppers in the same area, so I am assuming it's not the female Ruddy or the Purplish Copper because of this (also it's a lot more colorful than the purplish coppers I've photographed in the past). Question: The first 2 pics are of the same individual, but the 3rd pic is a different individual. Is the 3rd photo just a very bright/more colorful individual than the first/top photo, or is the 3rd pic a female Ruddy? The only issue with the Copper i.d. for the first two pics is that I didn't notice the colorful undersides that are characteristic of the Bronze. And Lilac-bordered isn't listed in Bamona under this county. So...
Status: Resident
Verified by: mikefisher
Verified date: September 05, 2022
Coordinator notes: These are Ruddy Copper females...the bottom photo is a female with a lot of copper on the wings and is more unusual that normal. Most have a lot of color on the forewings with darker hindwings toward or like the subject above that one (or darker). Yes, Bronze Copper females do have a lot of upper forewing color except the hindwings are always dark with a prominent orange band at the margin of those wings that is very distinctive. Mike
Checklist region(s): United States, Colorado, Jefferson County