Observation date: June 20, 2022
Submitted by: dawittrock2231
Specimen type: Photograph
Observation notes: Near a floodlight in a backyard bordered by woodland. The ID if sighting #1338001 was changed to Isophrictis anteliella on BG yesterday. Today I had sighting #1327840 identified as a Acleris cervinana on BG. It wasn't moved to the species and I have not done so yet. What do you think? It was an extremely slow fall up for moths.
Status: Resident
Verified by: Ilona L.
Verified date: November 21, 2022
Coordinator notes: Any moth identified by michael sabourin is valid. He is listed as mothvet on iNaturalist. You can move Acleris cervinana to species. I thought most of the year down here was slow with maybe one or two exceptions. This area is becoming much more urbanized. I've been taking some time to identify moths on iNaturalist mainly sticking to Wisconsin with a few forays into other parts of the country. Also taking advantage of the lack of insects for the next few months (try six months) to post some older photos. My long term retirement project has provided me with lots of entertainment. #1338001 has been updated.