Observation date: December 10, 2022
Date notes: Observed 4 days in a row, 12/10-12/13 2022
Submitted by: pollinatives
Specimen type: Photograph
Observation notes: 12/10/22 first day of observation was a bit colder than usual, don't remember the temp. It was slow and I was able to pick it up. Was sighted in our yard for 4 consecutive days, it warmed up later and it was harder to get close to it. Found mostly on Trixus inula which is a plant it might be familiar with from it's normal range. It was still blooming at the time.
Status: Unknown
Verified by: jwileyrains
Verified date: April 17, 2023
Coordinator notes: There are a few sightings as far north as San Antonio, but I don't know if residency has been established. Nice photos.