Observation date: July 11, 2023
Submitted by: hockeybruce7
Specimen type: Photograph
Observation notes: On milkweed. Rather than try to go into details with an I.D., I'll let an expert sit back and tell me what he recognizes.
Status: Resident
Verified by: davidwright
Verified date: July 19, 2023
Coordinator notes: My apologies to the submitter. This is a worn male Hickory Hairstreak. I enlarged the image and noticed two things: (1) On the ventral forewing you can see the impression of the male stigma and its shadow. This matches stigma of Hickory Hairstreak which is much smaller and narrower than that of the Banded Hairstreak. (2) The tips of the antennae are elongate and thin. Don’t be fooled by the orange color of the knob of the closest antennae, rather look at the furthest antenna. There you’ll see the faint orange color on the scaleless nudum on the underside of the elongate antenna tip.