Observation date: September 08, 2023
Date notes: Utilized Kaufman Focus Guides, Butterflies of North America and the Seek App. While Sachem possible, Seek never defaulted to Sachem, while utilizing multiple photos of the same subject. Thank you for your consideration.
Submitted by: JC Fazio-Cohen
Specimen type: Photograph
Observation notes: Hot and humid. Observed on meadows adjacent to Cranberry Bogs in South Toms River NJ, Ocean County
Status: Resident
Verified by: jwileyrains
Verified date: November 14, 2024
Coordinator notes: I understand how Seek would think this was a Western Branded Skipper, but it's very unlikely to find this skipper in New Jersey, as it never comes closer to NJ than eastern CO. I do think it's a Sachem, but I hope other coordinators will correct me if I've jumped too quickly to this ID. JRains