Observation date: June 22, 2024
Submitted by: DeepSkyKelly
Specimen type: Photograph
Observation notes: Due to its ragged wings and very little visibility of the forewing, this one is a bit tricky to say for sure if its a Sleepy orange or Mexican Yellow. However, I'm going for Mexican because the undamaged wing shows a small tail, it was quite pale in flight (aside from noticeable black markings), and the ventral patterns on the hind wing show more indicators of Mexican: the thin rusty line descending from the leading margin is thin with a noticeable zig zag (seems to be thicker and less zig-zaggy in Sleepy), there's a tiny dot at the tip of the hind-wing cell that has a faint diagonal line that moves to intersect the darker diagonal line, creating an indistinct but noticeable "V." I've also observed the Mexican Yellow in this location previously.
Status: Temporary Colonist
Verified by: stevecary
Verified date: June 23, 2024
Coordinator notes: you are correct on the ID.