Observation date: January 24, 2013
Submitted by: Robert Gorman
Specimen type: Photograph
Observation notes: gph male has a blue line visible between front and rear wings when closed that female lacks, in some areas they hill top the males fight over the top of the hill with great displays of high flying bursts of energy. I'm lucky enough to have two areas where this event takes place. the male who has won the hill sits on his favorite perch, waiting for females, or other rival males. mostly just sits. I have walked my dog on this hill for years never noticing until one day when the blue flash flew by thats when i knew to start paying attention. There fast flight is very hard to follow, but if you see where they perch then they will stay there if approached slowly. great shots are gained this way! This area is part of calif. state parks. all features are protected. Please take only photo's and leave only footprints. future generations will benefit from our actions.
Status: Resident
Verified by: Ken Davenport
Verified date: November 01, 2013
Coordinator notes: None.