Observation date: June 20, 2014
Submitted by: Donna Shorrock
Specimen type: Photograph
Observation notes: None.
Status: Resident
Verified by: mikefisher
Verified date: August 31, 2014
Coordinator notes: This is Erynnis pacuvius which is most common in the Front Range foothills up to around 8000 ft. or so. Its host plant is Mountain Snowbrush (Ceanothus fendleri). E. pacuvius is similar to Erynnis funeralis which you tendatively identified it as I am sure because of the white fringe on the hindwings that is also a characteristic of funeralis. E. funeralis is probably an annual visitor in eastern Colorado but it is rarely be found out of the Front Range foothills and it is more unusual anywhere north of Monument Divide outside of Colorado Springs (north). The host of funeralis are an assortment of legumes - Pea-family plants.