Butterflies and Moths of North America

collecting and sharing data about Lepidoptera

Family Uraniidae (Swallowtail Moths)

Subfamily: Uraniinae (Uranine Moths)

Trotorhombia metachromata (Walker, 1861)
Urania boisduvalii (Guerin, 1829)
Urania fulgens (Walker, 1854)

Subfamily: Epipleminae (Scoopwing Moths)

Antiplecta triangularis (Warren, 1906)
Calledapteryx dryopterata Brown Scoopwing Grote, 1868
Callizzia amorata The Gray Scoopwing Packard, 1876
Callizzia certiorara Pearsall, 1906
Epiplema incolorata (Guenée, [1858])
Meleaba urania (Dyar, 1913)
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