Butterflies and Moths of North America

collecting and sharing data about Lepidoptera

BAMONA's blog

Eleven Maryland butterfly records

Eleven Maryland butterfly records were added to the database: Callophrys grynea (Carroll County, Bob Ringler), Chlosyne nycteis (Kent County, David L. Amadio), Enodia anthedon (Anne Arundel County, Clarence Sparks), Pontia protodice (Kent County, Rick Cheicante), Atlides halesus (Kent County, David L. Amadio), Pontia protodice (Caroline County, Bill Hubick (also John Hubbell and Ron Gutberlet)), Panoquina ocola (Somerset County, Bill Hubick and Tom Feild), Pyrgus communis (Somerset County, Bill Hubick and Tom Feild), Thorybes confusis (Montgomery County, Austin Hobart Clark), Celastrina serotina (Garrett County, Harry Pavulaan), and Celastrina lucia (Allegany County, David Wright). (MD-DE-2009)

Thirteen Wyoming butterfly records

Thirteen Wyoming butterfly records were added to the database: Parnassius smintheus (Hot Springs County, K. Bagdonas), Colias meadii (Hot Springs County, K. Bagdonas), Pontia occidentalis (Hot Springs County, K. Bagdonas), Plebejus shasta (Hot Springs County, K. Bagdonas), Celastrina lucia (Hot Springs County, K. Bagdonas), Plebejus rustica (Hot Springs County, K. Bagdonas), Erebia callias (Hot Springs County, K. Bagdonas), Erebia pawlowskii (Hot Springs County, K. Bagdonas), Erebia epipsodea (Washakie County, K. Bagdonas), Speyeria edwardsii (Washakie County, K. Bagdonas), Nymphalis milberti (Johnson County, K. Bagdonas), Oeneis alberta (Fremont County, Paul Opler & Evi Buckner), and Euphydryas gillettii (Teton County). (Opler-12Dec09)

Seven Louisiana butterfly records

Seven Louisiana butterfly records were added to the database: Callophrys irus (Grant Parish, Craig Marks), Callophrys irus (Natchitotches Parish, Craig Marks), Callophrys henrici (Natchitotches Parish, Craig Marks), Callophrys niphon (Natchitotches Parish, Craig Marks), Callophrys henrici (Natchitotches Parish, Craig Marks), Anteos clorinde (Winn Parish, Jeff Trahan & Terry Davis), Callophrys irus (Grant Parish, Lambremont & Ross).

Ten Florida butterfly records

Ten Florida butterfly records were added to the database: Feniseca tarquinius (Liberty County, Bill Boothe), Polygonia interrogationis (Dade County, David Fine), Callophrys henrici (Okaloosa County, J.A. Slotten), Callophrys augustinus (Liberty County, J.A. Slotten), Callophrya augustinus (Okaloosa County, M.A. Friedman), Callophrys augustinus (Okaloosa County, N. Friedman), Polygonia interrogationis (Monroe County, Paula Cannon), Polygonia interrogationis (Monroe County, Paula Cannon), Callophrys irus (Clay County, Tom Neal), and Callophrys irus (Okaloosa County, Tom Neal). (Opler-12Dec09)

New Texas and Arizona records

Six Texas and Arizona records were added to the database: Hamadryas glauconome (Starr County, Charles Bordelon), Hamadryas februa (Hidalgo County, Charles Bordelon), Hamadryas feronia (Hidalgo County, W. & N. McGuire), Hamadryas guatemalena (Hidalgo County, Charles Bordelon), Hamadryas amphinome (Hidalgo County, W. & N. McGuire), and Baeotis zonata (Santa Cruz County, John Saba & Judy Winslow). (Opler-12Dec09LepNews)