Butterflies and Moths of North America

collecting and sharing data about Lepidoptera

BAMONA's blog

New Arkansas butterfly and moth records

Thirteen Arkansas butterfly and moth records were added to the database: Automeris io (Lonoke County, Hanne Eaves), Hypercompe scribonia (Lonoke County, Hanne Eaves), Hyles lineata (Benton County, David Woodz), Haploa clymene (Hempstead County, Jeff Trahan), Lerema accius (Pike County, Jeff Trahan), Atteva punctella (Logan County, Lori Spencer), Eutrapela clemataria (Polk County, Gary Spicer), Hypercompe scribonia (Polk County, Gary Spicer), Pero honestaria (Polk County, Gary Spicer), Antheraea polyphemus (Polk County, Gary Spicer), Halysidota harrisii (Polk County, Gary Spicer), Ceratomia undulosa (Polk County, Gary Spicer), and Blepharomastix ranalis (Polk County, Gary Spicer). (AR-10Jan10)

New Louisiana butterfly and moth records

Forty-nine Louisiana butterfly and moth records were added to the database. From Jeff Trahan (Bossier Parish): Amphion floridensis, Melanchroia chephise, Cisseps fulvicollis, Helicoverpa zea, Limenitis archippus, and Eupithecia miserulata; from Jeff Trahan (Caddo Parish): Euclea delphinii, Spilosoma virginica, Spoladea recurvalis, Atteva punctella, Hemaris diffinis, Cosmosoma myrodora, Antheraea polyphemus, Catocala vidua, Cisseps fulvicollis, Eumorpha achemon, Schizura unicornis, Alypia octomaculata, Ceratomia amyntor, Lochmaeus bilineata, Hyles lineata, Halysidota tessellaris, Isa textula, Datana contracta, Melanchroia chephise, Syngamia florella, Choephora fungorum, Darapsa myron, Datana major, Eudeilinea herminiata, Hypena palparia, Thioptera nigrofimbria, Acronicta oblinita, Automeris io, Euchaetes egle, Harrisina americana, Hypercompe scribonia, Malacosoma americanum, Nadata gibbosa, Pyrrharctia isabella, and Spodoptera ornithogalli; from Jeff Trahan (DeSoto Parish): Hermeuptychia sosybius and Eurema lisa; from Jeff Trahan (Natchitoches Parish): Lerodea eufala, Limenitis archippus, Anisota senatoria, and Euchlaena obtusaria; from Sharon Polito (East Baton Rouge Parish): Papilio glaucus; and from Jeff Trahan (St. Charles Parish): Hymenia perspectalis and Epipagis huronalis. (LA-10Jan10)

342 new California butterfly records

Three hundred and forty-two California butterfly records were added to the database from contributors A. M. Shapiro, Brown, Faulkner & Thorne, Charles Sekerman, D. Faulkner, Fred T. Thorne, Glen Gorelick, H. Koopman, J. W. Brown, James R. Mori, Jim Brock, John F. Emmel, John Lane, Keith Hughes, Ken Davenport, Laurence Crabtree, Lynn & Gene Monroe, M. Grocoff, Oakley Shields, R. Breedlove, Ralph Wells, Richard V. Kelson, Robert L. Langston, Ron H. Leuschener, Stan Dvorak, Sterling Mattoon, M. Smith, and Wayne Dawes. (CA-6Jan10)

New Kansas butterfly and moth records

Nineteen Kansas butterfly and moth records were added to the database. Paul Selden contributed a Douglas County record of Ctenucha virginica, and James G. Klingler contributed eighteen Nemaha County records: Anaea andria, Colias eurytheme, Nathalis iole, Vanessa cardui, Erynnis baptiseae, Phyciodes tharos, Polygonia comma, Anaea aidea, Phyciodes tharos, Polygonia comma, Anaea andria, Strymon melinus, Colias eurytheme, Phyciodes tharos, Colias eurytheme, Junonia coenia, Polygonia comma, and Phyciodes tharos. (Opler-lateOct09)