New Colorado records of the Least Skipper
Submitted by BAMONA on Tue, 2009-10-20 18:52Twenty-nine Boulder County, Colorado records of the Least Skipper (Ancyloxypha numitor) were added to the database from Christian Nunes. (CO-7Sept09)
Twenty-nine Boulder County, Colorado records of the Least Skipper (Ancyloxypha numitor) were added to the database from Christian Nunes. (CO-7Sept09)
New photographs of the Aphrodite Fritillary (Speyeria aphrodite) and the Great Spangled Fritillary (Speyeria cybele) were added to the database from photographer Seymour Kaplan. Two New Hampshire records were added as well. (NH-Kaplan-2008)
Five Boulder County, Colorado butterfly records were added to the database: Euphilotes rita, Hesperia uncas, Polites peckus, and Hesperia leonardus from Janet Chu, and Plebejus acmon from Amy Chu. (Chu-25Sept09)
Forty-two Tennessee moth records were added to the database: Paonis myops (Cumberland County, DJ Stanley), Pero ancetaria (Cumberland County, DJ Stanley), Hypena baltimoralis (Cumberland County, DJ Stanley), Datana angusii (Cumberland County, DJ Stanley), Synchlora aerata (Cumberland County, DJ Stanley), Pseudeustrotia carneola (Cumberland County, DJ Stanley), Idia scobialis (Cumberland County, DJ Stanley), Eacles imperialis (Cumberland County, DJ Stanley), Hemaris diffinis (Cumberland County, DJ Stanley), Lagoa crispata (Cumberland County, DJ Stanley), Pyrrharctia isabella (Cumberland County, DJ Stanley), Phosphila miselioides (Cumberland County, DJ Stanley), Sphinx kalmiae (Cumberland County, DJ Stanley), Idia aemula (Cumberland County, DJ Stanley), Scolecocampa liburna (Cumberland County, DJ Stanley), Phoberia atomaris (Cumberland County, DJ Stanley), Acrolophus plumifrontella (Cumberland County, DJ Stanley), Hemaris thysbe (Cumberland County, DJ Stanley), Dasylophia anguina (Cumberland County, DJ Stanley), Feltia tricosa (Cumberland County, DJ Stanley), Callosamia angulifera (Hamilton County, Susan Schott), Prionoxystus robiniae (Van Buren County, DJ Stanley), Herculia olinalis (Van Buren County, DJ Stanley), Lophosis labeculata (Van Buren County, DJ Stanley), Lytrosis unitaria (Van Buren County, DJ Stanley), Parallelia bistriaris (Van Buren County, DJ Stanley), Eusarca confusaria (Van Buren County, DJ Stanley), Nadata gibbosa (Van Buren County, DJ Stanley), Dryocampa rubicunda (Van Buren County, DJ Stanley), Haploa clymene (Van Buren County, DJ Stanley), Anisota stigma (Van Buren County, DJ Stanley), Epimecis hortaria (Van Buren County, DJ Stanley), Caenurgina erechtea (Van Buren County, DJ Stanley), Eutrapela clemataria (Van Buren County, DJ Stanley), Prochoerodes lineola (Van Buren County, DJ Stanley), Lagoa crispata (Van Buren County, DJ Stanley), Atteva punctella (White County, DJ Stanley), Lycomorpha pholus (White County, DJ Stanley), Haploa clymene (White County, DJ Stanley), Macaria pustularia (White County, DJ Stanley), and Orgyia leucostigma (White County, Bill Gunn). (AL-TN-01Oct09)
Two Morgan County, Alabama moth records were added to the database from Jason D. Roberts: Speckled Green Fruitworm Moth (Orthosia hibiscii) and Garman's Quaker (Orthosia garmani). (AL-TN-01Oct09)
The species account for the Vetch Looper Moth (Caenurgia chloropha) was updated.
Five Hamadryas records from Texas were added to the database: Hamadryas glauconome (Starr County, Charles Bordelon), Hamadryas februa (Hidalgo County, Charles Bordelon), Hamadryas guatemalena (Hidalgo County, Charles Bordelon), Hamadryas feronia (Hidalgo County, W. & N. McGuire), and Hamadryas amphinome (Hidalgo County, W. & N. McGuire). (Opler-28Sept09)
A new photograph of Mitchell's Satyr (Neonympha mitchellii) was added to the database from photographer Vitaly Charny.
Cherokee County, Oklahoma records of the Yehl Skipper (Poanes yehl) and the Lace-winged Roadside-Skipper (Amblyscirtes aesculapius) were added to the database from contributor Jim W Arterburn. (OK-30Sept09)
A Cochise County, Arizona record of the White-patched Skipper (Chiomara georgina) was added to the database from contributor Marceline VandeWater. (AZ-01Oct09)