New moth photograph: Philtraea monillata
Submitted by BAMONA on Thu, 2009-10-15 16:22The first photograph of Philtraea monillata was added to the database from photographer Kent Fothergill along with a Pemiscot County, Missouri record.
The first photograph of Philtraea monillata was added to the database from photographer Kent Fothergill along with a Pemiscot County, Missouri record.
Two Vermont records were added to the database: Euclea delphinii (Orange County, fide Larry Clarfeld) and
Hyles gallii (Windsor County, Kent McFarland). (McGuinness-17Sept09)
Nineteen New York moth records were added to the database: Eudryas grata (Monroe County, Bill Farress), Eudryas grata (Erie County, Cindy Temple), Paonias excaecatus (Erie County, Cindy Temple), Sphinx kalmiae (Hamilton County, Eric Selin), Sphinx poecile (Hamilton County, Eric Selin), Callosamia promethea (Suffolk County, Karen Milroy), Antheraea polyphemus (Onandaga County, Marlene Celi, Pat Condello, Erin Stebbins), Hyalophora cecropia (Margaretevilla County, Mary McKeon), Callosamia promethea (Suffolk County, Matt McBride), Alypia octomaculata (Suffolk County, Nancy Hollinshead), Eudryas grata (Columbia County, Peter & Sharon Schwartz), Schinia florida (Suffolk County, Rich Kelly), Schinia nundina (Suffolk County, Rich Kelly), Scopula limboundata (Suffolk County, Rich Kelly), Antheraea polyphemus (Orange County, Stephanie & John Pero), Antheraea polyphemus (Allegany County, Steve Dianetti), Pachysphinx modesta (Ulster County, Steve Stiert), Antheraea polyphemus (Westchester County, Thomas W Burke & Gail Benson), and Manduca sexta (Suffolk County, Victoria Bustamante). (McGuinness-17Sept09)
Thirteen New Jersey moth records were added to the database: Eudryas unio (Somerset County, Ann Hoffenberg), Haploa clymene (Morris County, Janet Justesen), Actias luna (Morris County, Janet Justesen), Eacles imperialis (Ocean County, John K Loesch), Grammia virgo (Burlington County, Lorelei E. Cannata), Darapsa myron (Middlesex County, Richard Wolfert), Idia lubricalis (Middlesex County, Richard Wolfert), Pyralis farinalis (Middlesex County, Richard Wolfert), Cycnia tenera (Middlesex County, Richard Wolfert), Schinia florida (Salem County, Susan E Ellis), Epicallima argenticinctella (Ocean County, Thy Cavagnaro), Hypercompe scribnaria (Monmouth County, Vanessa S Holt), and Simyra insularia (Atlantic County, Vicky Olson). (McGuinness-17Sept09)
Five new Connecticut moth records were added to the database: Hypercompe scribonaria and Paonias excaecatus (Middlesex County, Daniel Wilmes), Lytrosis unitaria (Litchfield County, Kristine Wallstrom), Actias luna (New London County, Natalie Lussier), and Eudryas grata (Middlesex County, Scott Furman). (McGuinness-17Sept09)
The new moth species Idia majoralis was added to the database along with a new Greene County, Missouri record and a photograph from Kevin Firth.
Two hundred and seventy-two California butterfly records were added to the database from contributors Adam Winer, Brian Banker, Bruce & Bret Boyd, Gordon Pratt, H. Notman, J. A. Comstock, J. W. Tilden, Jack Levy, John Emmel, John G. Pasko, John S. Garth, Keith Hughes, Ken Davenport, Kevin Davenport, Oakley Shields, Paul Opler, Phil Nordin, Randy Emmitt, Ray Stanford, and Robert Langston. (CA-22Sept09)
Seventy-four Florida butterfly and moth records were added to the database from contributors Bill Berthet, Bob Montanaro, Dean & Sally Jue, Deborah Galloway, John Koerner, Lisa Keppner, MaryAnn Friedman, Pamela Watson, Paula Cannon, Ray Brandes, Steve Coleman, and Waddy Thompson. (FL-16Sept09)
A new photograph of the Virgnina Ctenucha (Ctenucha virginica) was added to the database from photographer Stephen Menasian.
Two hundred and nineteen California butterfly records were added to the database from contributors Bruce & Bret Boyd, C. Dammers, George T. Austin, J. A. Comstock, J. H. Gerdes, J. S. Garth, J. W. Tilden, John F. Emmel, John S. Garth, K & J. Hughes, J. Lane, R. Meyer, Keith Hughes, Ken Davenport, C. Ingham, Lloyd Martin, Michael Smith, Oakley Shields, Paul Opler, R. Langston, Randy Emmitt, and Sterling Mattoon. (CA-15Sept09)